Beautiful, In Charge, and Wealthy! Register Today!
Beautiful, In Charge, and Wealthy Register Now Join me as we discuss all things beauty, wealth, and leadership. Leading beauty gurus, amazing leadership coaches, and money makers are being honest, open, and real about how they do what they do, so you can step into...
Beautiful, In Charge, & Wealthy
Get Mentored by TBC We are excited to be a part of the Beautiful, In Charge, & Wealthy Summit. We are contributing a “Free Mentorship” from our Founder and Publisher Kenneice Wilson-Smith with a complimentary FREE month of advertising on The...
Top 2021 Products
Top 2021 Products As we end 2021, I wanted to show the products that got me through the year. If you know me then you know I am a MAC person so, of course, I have to have a tech section here are my favorite Apple products. I ran not walked to go get the...